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the Last Moses Answers"


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Short Wave Radio

Interviews with Dan


Three Two hour radio interview with Dan Bertran Griffey

by Frank Whalen ( April 13,2005

by Frank Whalen ( April 25, 2005

by Frank Whalen ( October 4,2005


Three one hour interviews on "Channel Z"

by Zeph Dainel



First email: From Russia

(the XXX's are where his Name and Location are)

"I listened to your interviews on the RBN network, first on Frank Whalen, and later on The Zeph Report. I left to live outside the U.S. (America Mystery Babylon) in June of 2004. I have lived XX XXX in XXX, XXXX, and for the moment in XXX XXXX.

I am concerned with urgency about WWIII starting with the Syria very soon. Can you please tell me what country or area would be BEST/safest to live during this coming war for the Christian and expat American? I cannot go to Australia for some time, if ever due to very strict immigration guidelines.

I look forward to getting some of your books, and hearing you in more interviews. I am hoping to move quickly to the best location to endure this coming World War.... please advise where this location might be. I know someday, during the coming tribulation, the answer is clearly the mountains, and then the "dens" until Christ returns....

Thank you very much, and may God continue to bless your work."

Second email:

"Western Ukrainians don't like Putin. Russians like Putin, .... Eastern Ukrainians adore Putin, and are ready to join Russia. In short, most Russians really like Putin. I will tell you two personal accounts that you may find interesting.

The first is something a woman said to me while I was on a train traveling back from XXXXX Russia to XXX. I was with my interpreter, and a woman on the train looked at me and said with seething anger "I know why all you "missionaries" are coming over here from America, and with your "God"... you know that your country will be DEAD soon, and you will have NO PLACE to go... so you are coming over here...". Strange,,, I am not yet a "missionary" nor involved in such activities, though CLEARLY the number ONE reason I left the U.S. (Mystery Babylon) was due to God's command to "flee the midst of her" <Jeremiah> and to "come out of her my people" <Revelations>. I fully expect that when we strike SYRIA, WWIII will begin (we have cut all diplomatic ties, and the two wealthiest citizens of Damascus have fled, one with over 6-8 BILLION in assets after hearing and learning of Bush/Rice & the U.N.'s sanctions, and "leaving the military option" on the table). There are MANY muslims in Russia.

Secondly, I was visiting a very wealthy XXXX man, who's father was very high level in the XXXXX government and politics. We had a discussion one night, and another XXXXX man there was telling me of the beliefs of the Russian Orthodox Priests that he had been taught. These young men were very seriously interested in religions, and spirituality, particularly there own as well. He had spoken to this Russian Orthodox Priest, and had been told that they had communication with the angels, and had recieved visions. They were told that someday the west would be largely destroyed or attacked, and that many people, having no where to go, would come to Russia to find a safehaven, to find safety. He also explained to me that there "Apocalypse" had a lot more content to it, and to say than our "Christian" Book of Revelation.

In short, the Russian Orthodox Church seems to be very strong.

Some say that Putin may be the only man in the world to truly be against the N.W.O. I have no idea if this is really true or not, and I am certainly not "communist", but it is interesting to see how things develop.

Thank you for your insights, and your work. It is a serious contemplation in terms of where to relocate in view of the war approaching. I am trying to discern and understand prophecy to help me in this serious decision. That's what brought me to you, and your work, and a great interest in your interviews. Thanks so much. Best regards." XXXX



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